rod rod rod had had the place on fire last night uh for about two hours y’all
and we come right back tonight it’s that type of year I was telling y’all yesterday it’s just that type of year
yes I got two oh so what’s so special about tonight’s show the brother Rod Haye started out the year um putting us
in a proper mind said when he was talking about their what’s it called the mahata how do you say that R mahera
mahera he was talking about the mahera and the Golden Age and all that putting us in the proper mind frame uh share
made his debut this year and he’s been absolutely phenomenal with his research
and blue pill has made a lot of appearances this year uh you know just
Spirits my spirit talks to me and it told me to you know feature blue pill more on the show this year the brother
that the world needs to hear more of what blue pill has to say so bringing these three brothers here tonight is a
great way to um end May and bring in the month of June this is that’s the month
that um you know they clim they say summer starts uh the summer solstice so you know these are three main figures
who have done an amazing job on this platform this year we’re going to have a great show tonight um amazing
conversation scientific conversation uh get comfortable though family this is like a popup show I told you the last
minute I think that that that makes it more intriguing sometime when y’all don’t know it’s going down and y’all
just find out it’s about to go down you’re like oh [ __ ] so you know we creating that we’re creating that suspense that we don’t get no more
because it’s streaming um and you know exactly what’s going to come on when it’s going to come on but we got some suspense happening tonight let me get
this commercial going real quick we’ll be back in 30 seconds 30 seconds and
we’re going to get right into it family right so get comfortable tell your friends and family let’s get to this commercial be right back numeration with
King Simon text me now at 34749 61022 you can also take my course if you want
to but do text me for your sessions at 34749 61022 you can also get my books on
Amazon at link treking Simon the numerator remember you can book your session and get it done right now 34749
61022 that’s 347 4961 022 King Simon the
numer all right all right family so without further Ado I want to welcome back to the platform like I said these three gentlemen been on the platform uh
doing their thing this year Rod Hayes share bay blue pillar welcome back y’all
welcome back so we had a very um so okay so uh
in terms of collecting a collective Consciousness the year started out with Cat Williams and the whole world it was
the most viewed video video on YouTube ever um blue pill blue pill’s getting
ready to go home he’s in the car uh let me connect him again cat William I mean yeah Cat Williams a Shannon Shar the
most viewed interview ever cat William kept talking about how the truth will be revealed this year things will get
exposed uh people didn’t know he was he had that level of Consciousness to him
and uh you know we we we we seen a brother up there spit some knowledge uh
fast forward another viral interview that recently happened Terrence Howard
on um Joe Rogan the brother was dropping some serious science shout out to all
the scientists out there who um are doing their thing and shout out to the brothers and sisters out there who are
scientists but they may be scared to go public with their findings because of
the criticism that they may receive because of the C the the the degenerate culture that we live in so we are here
to make conversations like these regular make conversations like these popular so
it’s a good thing that we’re doing this we’re doing this on you know on a on a Tuesday night me and rod on a Monday
night like this is just regular [ __ ] I talk to Rod it’s regular [ __ ] I talked to share we on the phone for an hour we
kicking it this should be regular conversations amongst our people we uh we are going to raise our Consciousness
we’re doing it right now uh with that being said I want to start out all yeah blue will be here any second but let me
start out like this so me and Ra was talking yesterday about uh
a little bit about we was talking about a lot of things we was talking about pre-adamite um civilization um you know uh the anti-
deluvian civilization before the the so-called great flood or you know before Adam and Eve or before Noah’s Arc or
whatever and we was having we was talking having a great conversation um and one of the things that came up was
the Terence Howard talk and we talked about how he said he remembered his birth uh he remembered being born in his
mother’s stomach um I wanted to ask you this yesterday Rod but I forgot it’s related to that let me put
blue pill back on blue pills back in the crib it’s related to uh the conversation we was having yesterday because Rod also
remembers his birth I want to know in terms of the Soul a lot of people
because I hear different things from different people when when does the soul when does
Consciousness usually enter the Avatar and why is it different for different people let me just an example I told Rod
this yesterday um I remember distinctly being around four years old and then
imagine you just sitting there imagine your body just there then you just like I just remember I just it was like a
shot like a [ __ ] took some like a [ __ ] just shot me and I’m like and I’m and and and my family they was
playing I think Zelda at the time um somebody was playing Nintendo Zelda it’s like a core memory I just remember like
you sitting and all of a sudden you like oh [ __ ] I’m here and you’re just like so it’s like I’m trying to figure out
because a lot of sisters is pregnant a lot of sisters have babies some people say the the soul is in the Avatar The
Sisters I feel that baby kicking in my belly that baby’s de some people say no the soul comes later on I’m just trying
to figure out when does the soul enter this Avatar and why does the soul choose different times for different
avatars okay the DNA is a code each codone is got a certain
frequency in order for ancestor to Incarnate into a
descendant they have to be a close enough DNA alignment for the energy to
be broadcast like a radio signal but to a different radio okay okay okay right when you look
at the um the fetal development the the point where the zygote Sparks it Sparks
it’s a spark that’s at the point the soul is attaching to the
zygo it’s in the first trimester the mother can telepathically
talk to the child if she remember her Yoni magic this is why they want to send
you to Western train OBGYNs and gynecologists so that they
can tell you um The Limited information they want you to know about the capabilities of the uterus
in the development of the child the mother is always communting
with the child from inception this why the umbilical cord is there it’s an information
highway right so the mother always was talking to the child from the time he
became a parasite on her uterus wall they’ve been talking that’s cuz she
not here in physical form and know of us who lost our mother no we can still hear talking to
us cuz she’s telepathically tied frequency of love that can’t go
away indeed Shar you want to add on um yeah I don’t know blue did you hear the
question no sir okay uh um let me just post this real quick Sharie and then you
Sharif are going then you blue pill all right so one of the things real quick blue Terence Howard talked about how
remembered his birth being born in his mother’s stomach my question was I hear different people say different things
about when the soul or Spirit enters the physical Avatar um I had a distinct memory of being four years old and all
of a sudden watching Zelda watching my family play Zelda on the screen Nintendo
and that’s like that’s like a distinct core memory I have of being in this Dimension so I’m just trying to figure
out I heard different things from different people some people say this some people say that I’m just trying to figure out when exactly does a Soul
enter the Avatar and um why is it different for different people if that’s
the case but I’m let Shar oh you want you want to touch on that first blue yeah let him please yeah okay go Blue in
the system called human design we have two crystals right one crystal is um the
formation Crystal meaning that at formation there’s a specific Crystal
that deals with the formation of your body which would be the code that the mother has in order to build you out 88
days before your Inception before you actually come through that channel they say that’s when Spirit enters your
Crystal um a top your quote unquote Dome so that’s when they say that the spirit
activates inside of the portal on about 90 days about three months so this would
be what’s this that’s the beginning of the first trimester that’s what R said that’s the first trimester
blue that’s the first trimester yeah the first three months I believe is the first trimester no this is the I’m
saying this this com 88 days before conception so you in the 270 days so
this would be the last three months this would be the last trimester I think this is what according
to what human design says about the formation of your two crystals what’s human design again blue what’s that real
quick what is that human design is a system that was brought by uh a individual
named I think his name was RA I forget the fullness of the name but it was in the 80s and he said he got this for
Mor’s Mystics and it’s a system that combines iing with uh
codon like it it’s it’s your your your your codons as your
meridians as I Ching if anybody seen three body problem this is what they
were hitting on you know what I’m saying that each one of our codes or our genes are codons or coated and they all deal
with the 60 before Gates yeah this is the stuff that Terren was kind of
getting into you know what I’m saying the latent Eastern science about who and what we are as opposed to the Western
science to tied into ideologies that specifically amplify what the church was
talking about right so in that particular science that he said that he
was get he was I believe he came from Spain and he said he got this from morish Mystics this was old what they
call the old religion or Old World Knowledge pass through it’s funny you say that because
what you describing is theogenic birth of a monop parent
child you’re not you’re not describing the conception with two different
templates coming together you describing the fundamental root to Paro Genesis where the codon is
activated solely by the mother in in this case that’s the science you
Dro it’s a different science from um what I was telling them earlier the
science that deals with the two-part parentage right we talking about the separation of um alleles on the um
chromosomes in order to form whole body chromosomes because now you drawing from two sides of the
family and you could see the spark when this event takes place in the first um
trimester but it’s a different science and a lot of the um ancient science deal
when they start talking about before um the Delian history what we was
be going before they started talking about parenesis the science is more detailed
and intricate for the monop parent birthing
and and this brings a lot of this brings to focus a lot of what we’re being what we’re discussing right modern
information versus ancient information where you know Terence house was reminding them
like this information has been around for 70,000 years like the church just got around technically if they said that
they didn’t know that there was a western hemisphere until 1492 that’s like 1500 years after Christ and then
you had thousands of years prior to that there was pre Christ history and none of y’all made it over here yet and by time
wellestablished Proto civilizations that was already ancient with architecture
that was around for thousands of years this is the same way for uh
brother anel B Because The moish Navigators have records of the Americans
that predate Columbus right absolutely well I mean to jump in you
all you all already been launched into the stratosphere so you know and and so
you know I’m gonna basically wow kind of just just walk with you all on what you’ve already said
you’ve already said some powerful things first and foremost as was already said Above Top Secret in this Paradigm I’m
talking about you know the European psychology World Euro domination in this
particular Paradigm top Above Top Secret is ancient
technology let’s just get that out the way right right it is it’s ancient
technology you know um uh uh Mr Greer who’s got the C5 program
right you know he he talks about this all the time
about how um this world this SC the the
scientific aspect of this Paradigm caught up to our forefathers in
1954 they reacquired and I have to say reacquired when you include the totality of things
they reacquired anti-gravity technology in 1954 that means that the most advanced
vehicle you got today the most advanced car you got today is 100 years
obsolete that’s just a fact that being said right our perspective you know on
the original question you know when I say our perspective I’m talking about from the mor science symbol of America
right um flesh is a transmitting utility let’s take a very very very
simple you know and pardon me for the analogy but let’s take sexual
intercourse right I don’t care if it’s a one night stand I don’t care if I barely know the sister and it’s a one night
stand right I am pleasuring her through the body she’s in
the body she’s not the body you see what I’m saying and vice versa vice versa
pleasure pleasure is a sense and the sense is interpreted by by by by the
brain interpreting electrical and chemical reactions so it’s it’s it’s
it’s experienced inside not outside you see what I’m saying so again flesh is a
transmitting utility that being said man is a human beings are living
Souls souls are prenatal and
postmortem see that so when we’re talking for instance epigenetics and memory at the genetic
level that memory is prenatal and postmortal now as as what you said
brother brother brother um Brother Rich about when we’re able to remember we teach the
mor science Syle of America right man is a living Soul meaning he’s
human Spirit clothed with soul and then that Matrix goes into the body now that
being said mind never does forget it’s just our inability to access it in a
particular Incarnation or the ability to do so or the degrees of ability to do so based on
the changing conditions based on the advancement of that particular Soul a
number of other factors right so I would goad I want to get to the I wanna keep
real quick I would preference my initial um answer to say thinking with my
original mind I would say that there was never a time that man was not meaning that come on brother your mind that mind
is a static thing because Terrence is hitting on Walter Russell Walter Russell
was speaking about a triart aspect of reality that you go from rest to
existence right you pop out he’s like you just pop out you show [ __ ] you here and then you go back to quote
unquote Eternal rest but that Continuum is the static of Consciousness Consciousness always exists so I would
think that if Consciousness always is this the animation aspect of spirit like rod says when that initial impulse when
that that that explosion and that contact takes place spirit is present
yes especially if there’s matter involved because what matter is unanimated in order for matter to be
animated Spirit has to be involved come on brother so there’s a light that comes on that phosphorous aspect of the sperm
that’s hitting the egg and the Egg within itself now becomes the matter and light oscal you know and what he was
talking about in terms of sound that sperm that light hitting that that
egg boom that big bang that’s the beginning of it I’ll put it back that’s
the Gateway it’s the opening up of the door for a particular frequency of
spirit to Incarnate when that man is as they say
in the moral science we use the moral science today man is truth and falsehood strangely mixed correct what is the
truth and what is the falsehood the eternal spirit is the Everlasting truth in
man the physical form is the temporary vessel which gives the man the false
identity called the ego of self hold on I like this I like this
[ __ ] yeah wave yo no he hit it perfectly one of the things that listen a lot of
people will take that teaching and they misunderstand it because we hear the words truth and false and we moralize it
think good and bad no Rod haes hit it right on the nose truth is everything
that’s anything that’s permanent falsehood is anything that’s temporary right so spirit will be truth
physicality will be because the concept that these avatars or something is yours
is false they don’t last forever and it could trick you out because the epidermis the last layer that formulates
of skin now we down here playing the skin game where man is truly spirit and you are light why you don’t focus on
that because the thing that combines us all is that spark of light and that’s what we are identifying when we are even
edifying the information that was brought to us by these Europeans to say I can see the light in him and look past
the ab aspect of physicality to know that the information that they bringing is right and exact so shout out and and
let me just preference one last thing because this whole thing is about philosophy that we’re talking about when
they was prefacing what Joe Rogan is on now they were saying Jordan Peterson is the one that has been giving him a
neocolonial Christian nationalist philosophy and he’s building a paradigm
around his philosophy right the fact that we are speaking the way that we are speaking we
are unraveling Parables and the thing that they were speaking about with Christianity is that that the prophecy
was fulfilled because they said it would be a messiah that comes to speaking parables right and that’s what quote
unquote Jesus did but now you got to interpret that nobody’s interpreting The Parables so what Rogers did he
interpreted that Parable truth and faleh are strangely mixed what does it mean
this Spirit truth now occupies flesh falsehood and there’s going to be an internal struggle between them to see
who’s in control body or mind can time let me go back on mute yeah
yeah yeah indeed let me uh so much to uncover and I I love the way this
started right here I love I love the way this started this is like if I was the
point guard on the team y’all will be y’all you know what I’m saying this is like the Dream Team right here we just
need two more players we need one more player to have a five a full run a full court damn why we ain’t got one more
person on here that would have been a full court man you ain’t called Billy and see if he was
busy Dam it I ain’t call Billy man [ __ ] but listen right um one of the things
blue um and shout out to everybody in the chat this is history in the making tonight one of the things
uh Terence talked about that uh people know about in the
metaphysical Community is that color and sound is interchangeable he talked about how you could turn color back into sound
it’s basically the same wavelength it’s just twice as long AB you just have to keep dividing light by two and you’ll
eventually end up with an audible version what I want to ask you and another thing he talked about so I want to bring up two points that I want to
ask my question color and sound interchangeable you keep dividing the light by two you end up with an audible
sound he also talked about how we could only see Point whatever Z five% of light
spectrum we’re basically cosmically blind yes so we have this thing about us
called the aura that you could pick up from uh I think kilan photography and you can see a person’s aurura so all
these colors around each individ but we can’t see it because we cosmically blind now if color is sound
when somebody walks in a room we say we feel them but do we also hear them if
color is sound this you know how you know our slang is scientific so we have
weed right say we got weed and we be like this [ __ ] is loud we describe it in a musical in a sound way the we ain’t
making no [ __ ] sound but we describe it as oh if it’s good oh this is loud we describe Des cribe it as a
Sonic we describe our what people do that you know we ill we describe people
who live by the drum we describe we sonically so with that being said when
we talking about this Aura when when when somebody the reason why we may be attracted to somebody the reason why
I’ve been with my lady n 19 years maybe she her music is is appealing to me or
this person’s music is appealing the reason why they love Rod so much he’s so popular his music is so appealing he
ain’t got to open up his mouth but they love so let’s talk about the aura and let’s talk about us hearing people
without them even speaking I know Sharie want to start go ahead Sharie there is a there is an actual scientific term for
this yes sir it’s called sinesia yeah yeah that’s what it’s called look it up sthesia but the
Western World calls it a medical illness or medical
anomaly they really do where people where people hear they hear colors they taste shapes they right now here it is
you know and again shout out brother Terrence Howard man he was on to something here we go to to to
oversimplify this whole thing right the honor Elijah Muhammad said it this way
yes after learning mathematics which is Islam and Islam is mathematics it stands true you could prove it at no limit of
time hold on Geometry is just visible
numbers light is visible
numbers sound is audible numbers and and that’s it because what
are we looking at when I’ve said this before I said it on your show before brother rich brother um brother brother
Rod’s shirt is green why is it green it only appears green inside our
head because it reflects back a frequency a
number that is picked up by our eyes sent to our optic nerve which sends to
our brain and our brain interprets it as green it’s only green inside your head
not on his shirt see what I’m saying it’s it’s
mathematics it’s numbers so you would and what you said before is exactly right I use this with my students all
the time light is electromagnetic energy but guess what gamma and Delta raise are electromagnetic
energy so the visible spectrum for the average human being is between infrared
and UltraViolet that’s a little sliver what if you could expand your
perception Beyond infrared and UltraViolet what would else would you see yeah good point you remember the
other day we was talking and I was telling you how the Blu singer pick up
the frequency of that woman right wrong this what you talking
about okay okay okay that okay all right all right right he can hear it but he
don’t know where it’s coming from he think it’s a song playing in his head [ __ ] Dam and it’s a combination of
frequencies emitted by her Collective chakra resonance carried on the sound wave at
the subconscious level you got to remember just like we can see only uh half or one% of the light spectrum we
can only hear slightly more of the sound spectrum they got sub subliminal sound
has been being used against us in media and entertainment for the last 50
years right right because they know that these things we can assimilate this as
data and go back to the early days of computer program Geo what’s that garbage
in garbage out right so if they keep overwhelming your senses with
misinformation and false paradigms when it come time to upload some serious information where you going to put
it you you you talking about you full of the Holy Ghost when you full of
commentary you can site all of the commentary of the Moody Bible the Orthodox Christian Bible with the
footnotes and quote them so good people think they came from you all the time you ain’t doing nothing quoting somebody
else’s opinion of an opinion about a story that may not even be true
look my man told us we are instruments we electromagnetic beings in the
physical form we are accumulated DNA codon when you break DNA down to its
crystalline amino acid form you see that you have something that breaks up light
rays a prism yeah and the light rays have to be separated in order for each
Ray to be used according to its wavelength and frequency that part so as an
electromagnetic being we download what we call Consciousness into the physical world
and then we get absorbed with the physical world and forget where we came
from right so when um Brother Rich was saying about the um about the baby and
conscious coming into the baby and the remembrance of the womb if it wasn’t for a lot of us being
shocked with the optic nerve with that bright ass light a lot more of us would remember being in the womb right that’s
not an accident that’s deliberate right simply because we are in water and ambic
fluid in the root word of memory is mean which is water indeed indeed so I would say um
sit down and discover sound is color I wrote that in one of my last Rhymes I told you last week when me and raw was
on on on the line that my phone filled up why because of the Aur Aurora
Borealis right so light and sound became Digital Data and matter and it filled my
storage up you feel me so light and sound denotes what Form and
Function we are composed of sound and Light fact you know what I’m saying we have
organs and we are light beings so we composite right because the light is the
information and instruction just like we’re speaking about with Inception when that light and steps into that egg then
the instructions right are now telling the egg how to formulate itself according to the information that was
just deduced by the sound and the light so it’s the same thing our subtle energy
bodies are picking up when you come in the room you say I feel a bad vibe that
is a discordant sound that is emanating from this person’s uh subtle body you
don’t even got to see them they could be behind the wall in the cut but to pick up on a discordance right of their
particular resonant frequency that don’t resonate with you what do we say I’m resonate with him what you think we mean
by that right brother brother soundes with sound that we’ve already we’ all if
anybody who’s been at the nightmare matter of fact here’s let’s take it back let’s some you know New York talk right
90s Gladiator School you’ve been to the tunnel yes you know exactly what we
talking about here when it’s about to pop you feel it air gets electric come
on bro nobody says nothing that you know to get out in a split second because it’s about the the
wall and hit the fan it’s a feeling you get them things to stand up you’re like uh
oh you hear guys that was locked up huh the the old heads I was locked up
with they say if you feel the tension cut thick enough to cut with a knife don’t go to the yard where y yes yes I
thought that was just uh you know Penitentiary fairy tale I woke up one
day and I walked up to the uh to the doors getting ready to go outside
and I was like oh [ __ ] I’m going back to bed I went back to bed and look the um they went
there was a all out War out on the yard while I was BN back to be
yeah now I want to I want to share I want to say this too like we we’re we’re using terms that are familiar so when we
say sound when we say I’m not gonna say it’s not a sound I’m not gonna say that because sound is vibration vibration
right okay but I just want to add a little something to that we talked about this
before if I’m going to measure a thing the instrument I’m using to
measure it must be made of the substance of the thing I’m measuring this is an important rule so
if we’re talking for instance scalar waves of which Consciousness is at a
scalar rate you are not measuring it with any
other than something that has the same principle this is why dowsing works but
Western science cannot explain dowsing it’s because the human
consciousness is at a scalar level therefore it can make use of it can
detect scalar level vibrations yes so we’re talking sound on
that level it’s not something that’s audible with the physical ear you see what I’m saying it’s not
audible with the physical ear it is perceived by the person the soul inside
the body this is the major reason in my opinion in my opinion why Western
science specifically yeah Western science says that it is unscientific to include the effect of
the Observer in the experiment in the experiment the honor Elijah Muhammad
said it this way put the original man’s mind to sleep wow you know I I wanna I got one
more um question about sound before we move on like I said so many things to
touch on uh and Terrence Howard uh talked about so many things and you know I’m glad that we you know we’re making
breakthroughs as we’re talking about and and this and dissecting that conversation that took place and that’s
what this is all about and um so one thing that’s very important that uh shareif said on my
show early this year he said music is technology and a lot of us look at music as entertainment look at perceiving it
as entertainment and perceiving as technology is two different things we may be the most technological people on
the planet because we are the most musical people on the planet so that’s just something to keep in mind let me
ask this question if we’re saying sound is color blue pill um and I think Rod
Hayes mentioned Jazz earlier as a piano player I had a jazz piano teacher
Haitian brother he kept telling me Rich I want to teach you Jazz I kept telling him I want to learn how to play them pop
um chords pop music chords because I want to you know make beats that people
could um you know vibe to whatever he said Rich I’mma show you how to play jazz music so you can add color to your
sound so say in and let’s say a regular chord and pop music may be ceg let’s say
you hit the note ceg those are three different colors and they play those notes ceg then you go to another there
three chords in jazz they’ll have some [ __ ] like C EEG a b because B is the
seventh the seventh note it’ll be c e g a it’ll be like a six note chord so let’s say that’s six colors within that
chord when in western music they play three chords so it’s double the amount of colors in jazz than it is in western
music my question would be if we analyze music as colors would you say and we’re
thinking about clothing in in the west we dress I got know white and black hat white and black shirt would you say jazz
is like the equivalent of dashiki you see dashiki got all them colors so would
you say if we’re comparing music to colors would you say jazz is the dashiki
of music and what I’m wearing is um um I guess western music of clothing so talk
to me about yeah talk to me about that yeah who want to go I would I would best summarize it to say that western music
is very logical very practical because there’s sheet music involved and you got
to learn it and study it and go from one thing to that and jazz is the opposite
it’s divine feminine because it’s improv and improvisation deals with creativity
and it deals with a cas of colors you know what I’m saying because they’re going through the Spectrum and when you
go through the Spectrum you’re not arrested towards linear you feel me execution
black and whiteness you you’re you’re somewhere in the gray and that’s where Jazz exist improv is playing within the
Grays between the lines you know what I’m saying that’s why what he said in terms of Music being the higher science
in Liberal Arts which is the quadrivium liberal arts is the seven stages that’s
right masonry right all Masonic institutions are built on the seven steps of the quadrivium at the very
highest step of that is music there’s a reason for that because
it is what what it organizes all of the strings it connects all things you feel
me so at a subatomic level like the brother said where are we picking up
these vibrations at subatomic levels where the strings are at the muons and the neutrinos and things of that nature
it’s subtle it’s picking it up you can’t see it you can’t even observe it but it’s
registering so yeah that’s my piece the best way to understand what we talking about about hearing that music is to
read how Beethoven said he would hear the entire Symphony play and then he
would write the chords right right and um the difference in the music they
produce jazz in the musical notes of the western piano player is
Orchestra versus rag time Scott Joplin changed to fill in the
blanks and it became a pariah the same as hip hop right but the addition to see the
colors to read the colors of the spectrum every note has a color associated
with right they got a number associated with it yes right and then the series of
numbers produce a pitch in a frequency that we interpret as what’s called
Harmony Melody right and then if the music is
sweet we say that’s Feelgood music right but when my mom and them hear our music
they say that’s that bear housee music because the frequency they was on
has changed with the children that they gave birth to because every generation is birth with a different cause and
purpose of being here that’s a fact if you didn’t have a cause and a purpose you wouldn’t be here right I hear people
all the time talking about this kind of people ain’t supposed to be here or that kind if they Wen supposed to be here guess what they wouldn’t even be here
there you go even the ones that did the most violent wickedest things to the people that’s been here the longest is
supposed to be here this is the chapter of misery and the misery does something to
the guide form that the pleasure can never produce right the pre- karma the build
up for the payout right the longsuffering the enduring of the
punishment in order to reap the greatest reward the greatest reward is to get it
all get so much that it ain’t nothing to give to the one took it from
us so now they can’t pay us nothing back because they don’t have nothing cuz we took back everything that was ours by
the blood and the right oh yeah oh yeah in addition on or or conversely about
the whole thing that was that was first of all I’m learning as well as being on this day I’m I’m learning this is dope
but in in addition to the whole thing about harmonics you know and again
salute to both you Brothers for what you just presented you know um with the harmonics piece and also too
about the Seven Liberal Arts brother that’s real because what we really talking about when we’re talking about
harmonics we’re literally talking about the Matrix of material
manifestation your physical body is a masterpiece of music because we’re
talking about harmonics now the op now the opposite of of Harmony is disharmony
Harmony that is the true definition of sin discordant vibration
noise that is sin that’s evil that causes destruction that causes
disillusion you see it doesn’t cause things to come together to form
formation Harmony does that disharmony breaks things up you see what
I’m saying yeah oh yeah oh one other thing one other thing
that that that that uh brother um brother blue pill had mentioned about um the ver the type of music when
you’ve got simple 4×4 Cadence and then as opposed to multiple
cadences and and and depth that you get with jazz or classical music or whatever right say yeah
yes to to use Just Two Words monochronic versus
polychronic that it’s just like it’s just like in the European
psychology you speak then I speak then you speak then you speak and you that’s
monochronic right what do they say about our people or they loud loud they
boisterous I can’t tell if they was arguing or just having a regular conversation because they just jump in
yeah because because we think polychronic that’s right so what did they say that’s a good point Sharie
that’s a very good point they say about cultr they said that he was able to play notes between the notes which means and
they said that jazz was the highest form of Science and you know just the other
day I seen Miles say that it’s never was called Jazz according to them right the
highest form of science at the same time that they were saying that we were intellectually inferior why did they
consider it the highest form of science because they couldn’t measure it why could they not measure it because we were playing notes between notes that
they could did not pick up they did not have the audible ear in order to follow
the note to see where we were going we left them in the void and they were like
these people are not even reading the music how are they doing why yeah good point blue good point blue right and
we’re skipping on top of air you feel me so and in mind don’t forget about the
the fixers don’t forget about they in the early days and music they had a house
Band of Brothers they called the music fixers when the other people would make music they would have to take it to them
in order to fix the sound the sound ain’t right it’s something wrong I did not know that I did not know
that very interesting there’s our Tibetan Brothers you can you can look this up online now um in Tibet called
the gyodo monks G yo T O the gyodo monks do a their chanting in these very deep
guttural sounds but each monk can project more
than one tone simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously fire
that’s fire that’s fire yeah oh man listen listen y’all so so let’s you know
we talk so when you talk about quantum physics something that comes up all the time is waves and particles collapse in
the waves one of the things a lot of the speakers and the teachers say is that we’re like like fishing water we just
can’t see the water but there’s water all around us um there is yeah yeah we
we hear constantly about one of the new things that emerged um Emoto was
programming water we talked about programming water and water having memory so you speak to your water you
might put put a label on your water and the it changes the molecular structure to water what I want to ask you just
thinking and I’m I’m very interested in getting you Brothers opin if we could change the molecular structure of water then and just another
thing they say water is God a lot of people say if there’s one word to describe God it would be water that’s
what a lot of people would describe as God it would be water my question to you would be how effective do you think it
would be instead of you know how you you meditate and sometime people meditate
they have all these thoughts on their mind they say no no no no don’t think no thoughts just breathe just breathe don’t
think any thoughts just breathe that’s the the best form of meditation how effective would it be if we’re being
taught in this new age um Community to talk to water and programming how would effective would it be to just listen to
the water and instead of programming it allow it to give us answers so let’s say instead of me talking to water I’m
medita in for water and just just breathe not try to program it and when I drink it that water will give me the
answers I need because I didn’t consciously program it but the Divine consciously PR me so talk to me about
instead of talking to water what do you think about the idea of listening to water meditating the water and allowing
it to give us what we need to be programmed with instead of us programming it that’s that’s not new to
us as a people that’s ancient you know the women who wear all
of the white stuff and they go down the Riverbanks yes that’s ancient that go all the way back to at early Atlantean
days and the science to it is is the UV rays of the sun is Amplified by the
element water the women in the white becomes the magnet with the uterus to
the energy the men have to ride on the mitochondrial in order to pick up the
signals that is coming in the water is an amplifier it is a physical
representation of spirit that’s why they say that water is God if you could see
Spirit the closest physical thing that you could use to describe what you looking at would be
water as for us living in water you got to remember every body of water around the planet is
simultaneously evaporating and putting water particles up in the air so of course we in water
we walking around in water we breathe in water we just breathing it less than the
fish all right yeah we we exist in a fishbowl
right we’re surrounded by water um that just at different density levels uh but
there’s precipitation always around us there’s a ionosphere above us right the
only way that things can rain is because there’s precipitation up there there only way that there could be ice in
space is because there’s water there the water is older than the Sun and you’ll compos the 90% of it so inside and
outside is only water the root of water when you go and look what look at what look up Aqua then you get qua and qua
goes into the root word of what Quantum is so yes water is a medium and it’s a
channeling medium in order for there to be the face of quote unquote God they said that they saw it where
first huh they see that they seen the face of God cascading over what over the over
the over the waters Waters right and it has to be a particular over the face of the deep right face of the deep and in
choppy Waters you can’t see the face right so you cannot be angered you have to bring yourself to Stillness in order
for quote unquote God to appear because an anger denotes what that other
opposite or that other extreme of what water represents because water could be cold and water could be hot water can
burn and then you can put your ass on ice right you feel me right so water
within itself is in and everything um and he spoke about the
ability to to to separate water because there’s different matters of water when
I went to Mount Shasta where Emoto did the test that right at the Sacramento
head Waterway which is the water that comes off of Mount Shasta the water was
silky yes it was in the fourth phase of water because it what it has now
separated and become structured water right structured water feels silky it’s like what you
consider to be plasma yes right and this is that water that’s nearest to the
viscosity of what the brother be talking about um aaki awaken the
h3o right which would be coconut water with the electrons in it where when I
drunk the Shasta water and I you know these are all the things that I’ve said on your show Brother Rich since 20166
I said that the [ __ ] was Angel tears because I needed a little bit of it and
not only did it fill me up I was happy all day and laughing I was in the highest elevated state that I’ve ever
been so much so that I came back here and I stopped selling my water because I I was the first one to bottle alkalized
water glass and put gold in it and share you know this because you specifically was there for sure and gold water and
glass not gold water drops I was selling alkaline bottled water glass since
2011 actual fact actual fact that’s right okay so stop selling it I fell on
my own sword when I taste what real water tastes like and I know that’s not what I was
selling so waterers the medium yeah are none that I was like I wouldn’t even
have to eat if I was just drinking this water because the it was so mineral rich
and that’s I’m only in the game to get the minerals I’m only eating food to get the minerals and I’m burning it has to
be an aggregate efficiency if I’m burning more energy to extract more
energy and your body now you got to be a water processing plant to take the toxins the chemicals the arcens and
everything else is just in the water just in order to get you a good sitp ain’t that something so I want to add
this to what you got first of all youit I just want to add one last thing
because our bodies are 90% water your shirts the importance of functional fashion and having a uniform on is that
the logos on your shirts are now embossing the water in your body to respond to that command you know blue
real quick I was talking to real quick because I don’t want you I was talking to Dr Katherine Clinton about tattoos in
Boston on water if you’re saying the clothing does that I was asking her what the hell does our tattoos does to to the
water in our body you know what I’m saying Perman yes structur tattoo is a biological
sigil if you don’t know why you getting a tattoo you don’t know what you charging up to put on your body cuz when
you go through that pain and that blood and ink ritual you are inscribing
something if you don’t have a meaning you better give it one how about that because if you give it a meaning you can
control the energy that you use it to to drive you into
utilize the brother earlier mention um um the dowsing the simatics of dowsing and the
reason the scientist can’t acknowledge the accuracy of it is because they would
have to then acknowledge the accuracy of tarot reading they would absolutely have
acknowledge the accuracy of the ien they would have to acknowledge the accuracy of the runes because the
subconscious is the communicating vessel that’s talking to us through these mediums these are just tools a carpenter
need a hammer to drive a nail right and sometime a psychic uses a tool to develop the sense so that they
don’t need the tools no more right fact talk to fact talk to him R so what I
want to add with this whole let’s apply the earlier principle
that we talked about earlier about physicality yeah to the subject of water
yeah right truth and false Hood truth is anything that’s permanent falsehood is anything that’s temporary right so we
know that physicality is temporary so to take it a step further
physicality is a shadow or a projection from higher realities so there’s a physical water
there’s an alchemical water this is how Earth funy operates
first let me talk about that most people in the west are only familiar with onethird of fun soy there is heaven funo
there’s Earth funo and then there’s man funo to oversimplify being at the right
place at the right time with the right energy that’s how that works now with
Earth funo placement right this is the real to to to to westernize the science
the scientific logic of it this is how it works people as we we we mentioned it
before every living things Bound by CA to every other living thing even between
us electronically there is not empty space in between us there’s no such
thing there’s no such thing quantum physics has has has has confirmed that
even empty space out there is not empty space itself is a
fabric so when you place things in different places you are modifying the
space which is not empty it’s not empty you’re modifying
the energetic configuration and it has a direct effect on you and others like
what Terence Howard said he said when you put the object in a particular place this is what caused the wave conjugation
because you have to be very mindful of how you angle things yes yes because I
mean he he shattered their concept by saying how do you create the wave if
there’s nothing that bounces it back this [ __ ] is not infinite it’s finite it
has to bounce back off something so it could phase conjugate and create waves
yes you know what that’s also that’s also the root to holography
reducing Holograms yes yes sir good point right good point good point yes yes there
there’s a doctor in Egypt who really blew blew the lit off a lot of this stuff or he’s from Egypt his name is Dr Ibraham kareim I get his get his
material yes Dr ibraim Karim right where
he talks about what you were just saying brother blue about how different colors
let’s just talk about that right different color pallets placed in
particular Arrangements depending on the room or the space can open up the zero
point in that space absolutely yes let let me so so one of the things that was
talked about and um you know um blue blue talked about the shapes um that Rod
I mean not not Rod that Terence Howard talked about was that the uh the the the
how the platonic solids are not real that we have to get rid of the thinking
of these straight lines everything is has curvature in nature so I was
watching and I like to use examples to explain science because people can
understand through the examples the science that you complicated science that you brothers are talking about so
let me use an example of this science of curvature versus linear lines so uh uh
gentleman was on YouTube talking about uh and one thing he also talked
about we have to get rid of the idea of uh 45 degree angles you know the homes is built like squares we gota we should
make homes like mushrooms so a person a gentleman yeah a gentleman was talking
about uh I seen a gentleman talking about cats and he said you could put uh
water in a bowl for a cat and and the water standing
still then you can have running water in a sink or you could have water that’s
you know in a toilet you know when a toilet flushes and
spiral the cat will choose sometimes he say the toilet water or the Walling
water from the sink then that you could put fancy Mountain Valley Spring water in the cat bowl and the water will the
cat will sometime choose the toilet water over that fancy $ five Mountain
Valley Spring water that’s sitting still in the bowl so he was saying that the idea that a water comes in 45 degree
angles is um something that we have to change
still water is something that destroys the potential and the power that the
water possesses so talk to me about this idea of curvature in this idea of and
and the fact that we drink water that comes down these 90 degree pipes these 45 degre it’s it’s the way it’s angled
it’s it’s straight lines it’s not it’s not like and I think even Al kealon has a product kealon 44 has a product with a
water um it it Twirls the water spins the water before you drink it so talk to
me about spinning water versus water that comes down these pipes that is straight straight across straight um I
mean um what is that horizontal and then vertical what how does
that how does that impact the water which that we drink and that we uh you know I would say that again I’m
continuing where we left off because we kind of already hit on it but I repeated it for the sake of the question you know
water coming out of pipes or water that’s pumped out of machines is dead water right because it’s not it’s not
motion it does not have Motion in it in order for water to be living water it has to be moving I’m saying and
naturally alkalized as opposed to something being mechanically made into
said thing because the life force the spiraling motion life is motion life is
not necessarily stagnation there’s an aspect of life dis Stillness stagnation is something
different right and that water is is over chemicalized it’s overtreated and
it’s dead so it’s not moving like with with the life that a cat a c the cat
which is picking up magnetism hence the fact if a cat moves past you you feel
electric static right that cat is looking for life and the life is if anything even if
it’s coming out of the Force and and this tap water the fact that it’s moving it’s going to have a little bit more
electricity in it than something the as well as the the toilet water it is now
it has a current in it so the cat is able to if anything bypass would would be the tap
aspect of it and pick up on the you know that that spark everybody in the chat saying this is facts everybody with cat
saying this is facts Oracle said I have two cats only like toilet bow water so this is confirmed we
have the people chat hold up hold up blue we have the people in the chat with the cats everybody’s confirming this so
all right all right just want to let y’all know that that all right we make we making some progress here we we okay
all right good good yeah okay brother you know just to add on to what you’re saying and give it extra context um both
of them will register as a maybe a two on a pH scale toilet water is not going to be alkaline when you test it you know
what I’m saying and Dan is not going to be alkaline when you test it but they want it because the current that is
created by that centrifugal force of it moving that’s what they’re picking up on
that’s what we don’t get we’re not drinking Mountain Water that we get straight out the stream we’re not going
to stream and picking up water that was moving when you caught it we’re buying if anything bottled water this stagnant
sitting on the shelf and has already been radiated right or we’re getting water out of a foret and even then or
out of a machine if you will and that machine is going to mechanically spiral
it whereas without kealon has the product he has access to it’s splitting
the water and creating structure water so it’s that same silky water that I’m telling you about this almost like uh
structure water and also family looking into ozone water that’s the
best yes look Brother Rich yeah 45 de
angle shaped like a l ain’t it oh yeah okay now if you got a hallway with a 45
degree angle at the turn at the turn and you run full speed and right when you
get to the end you try to make that turn what you think gonna happen pop into that [ __ ]
pop okay now the fundamentals of programmable water that’s running into a
wall that’s a generated trauma to the water talk to me R right so now the the
water that went through so many um left turns going through these 45 degree
angles it accumulated a lot of trauma Dam we we drinking trauma water what the
[ __ ] hey the bottle water in the store is not no better everybody that went through there water and download to
everybody attitude oh [ __ ] based on the observer effect and the programmable
nature of water the lady who just had caught her husband cheating two hours before she came to the shopping mall her
energy is in that water when she was glaring at it thinking about him it’s in that water [ __ ] d right the little
runaway girl who ran in there cuz she was hot she needed some air and she looked at that water and she mad at her
her family that’s in that water blue you hear this [ __ ] blue now we got
Trauma from our childhood and from our water [ __ ] come on bro we got a lot of work to do but here’s the thing though
but this is why this is so powerful this conversation right you know this is
powerful because if you’re aware of it then you play at that level people talk
to me you play at that level you know what the illst part of this is is that
when I was initially selling water we were going into food deserts and we would go to the gas stations to see what
communities had water versus didn’t have water they would have chips they would have soda and a few of them would have water
you know and the water always look Dusty and shabby you like damn it look like it been through something I want pick that
up and is it because it’s next to the oil why does it look a little bit more wow heavier than oil and you dis bodyi
that because if waters are transmitting you ility then it also has to be a transferring utility correct you know
what I’m saying so yeah it’s like every it’s a medium you know what I’m saying
and and and it’s picking up all of the frequencies and people are coming into them gas stations that’s especially why
I’d be thinking about you know some of them Waters because you be like yeah this water is just different whatever
they label it or call it the Fiji don’t even taste Fiji right right on a very simple level I
mean you all took it high but on a just a very very simple level right what grows in running water nothing but what
grows in Still Water everything you know what I’m saying there a difference between still water
and stagnant water too yes yes a lake is still water right let’s say stagnant
right that’s stagnant water will spoil like bad food in refrigerator for sure
stagnant water in nature is sick water that’s why the animals won’t touch
it the old Cowboys used to say if my horse don’t drink out that water hole
you won’t catch me sipping nowhere nears it that’s what they said right yeah
that’s how that’s how look every everywhere was a body of water before the settlers came was
drinkable now good luck to find the drinkable source of water in its natural
habitat and and think about kind of stuff think about that rod and think
about that panel that these were the individuals when they got off them boats what they said when they hit the water
they decimated entire populations so what sort of disease individuals was
this that they can change the viscosity of water that the water now becomes a
transmitting medium to take out the population that is dependent and contingent on this water because this
person went and changed the whole structure of it and again look at the level again the level of this
conversation if people are unaware of energetic
poisons energetic disease and you’re totally unaware of it doesn’t mean you
know it doesn’t mean that you’re not susceptible actually means you’re more susceptible so there’s a lot of things
going on in our community right now that are the direct result of energetic poison I used to tell my mom she used to
warn me about people doing witchcraft I said Mom I ain’t worried about the one that got the time to do the ritual cuz
they’re not going to be thinking about me I’m worried about the one that don’t know they casting the spell when they wish I die for no reason how about that
so so let me ask y’all this how about that cause cause cause I said I like using examples to explain this science
and that’s you know that’s a a way I use to for the people to really get this right if we’re talking about Waters
we’re talking about these 45 degree angles these 90° angles um and we’re saying in had a a magnificent example of
how the water gets traumatized because it got to go here then it go there and it it hits that wall by again it gets
traumatized by heing that wall we know as growing up in urban settings in the
hood [ __ ] go down on a corner your mama will be like boy you was on that corner
again wasn’t you mama always talking about that corner that corner is that angle that we’re talking about my
question with this science that Ro that um Terrence Howard is talking blue pill
Rod hay Sharie is talking about can we cut down crime by making Corners curved
since we’re talking about Mama Nature’s curve can we lower crime rates by turning Corners that all the [ __ ]
chilling in the hood into curves can we cut you ain’t been to the suburbs have you where we don’t normally
live curves and culde I about to say I
never heard nobody spin the we had a cultural attraction to the corner anyway and a corner if you know anything
about Papa leg you already know what a corner is yeah we we got a cultural connection to Corners anyway when we CH
coming in the manhood and we want to test our grit before you said what’s Papa legar
in the corners because I I got to know say that real quick before rod goes in real quick um Sharie real quick let me papa legar is Lord of the crossroads
okay that’s a gate AC a crossroad is a gateway uhhuh okay gotcha gotch you
so um when we go to the crossroads as boys becoming men because if you pay
attention to when we go hang out on the corner yeah boys are becoming men yes you want to test your grit you
go stand with Papa Le because he gonna put you to the test it’s coming man oh man it’s coming
you gonna deal with with Baron somebody he gonna put you the test on
that corner yeah the corner is where you
communicate with both sides every time they create a corner they create a Gateway that can download information
from the spirit realm to the Physical Realm where do all accidents happen
at you the 90% of accidents happen at the corner they very rarely happen in
open road I don’t park on the corner when I was in
you get your car hit yeah look a lot in major cities different people got
different cultural reasons to stay off the corner
right and we come up with those reasons like Brother Rich say I don’t park on the corner C in Chicago said man we
don’t hang on Corner po po come harassing you on the corner right and
this is all over the country now the corner has become the hot spot for law
enforcements to harass the boys trying to become men they go in to face Papa legba themselves they ain’t waiting on
Mom and Daddy to remind them who legba is because he gonna show up in some form or another you just ain’t gonna know
it’s him and if you come with the wrong energy he can send you home with your
tail between your legs if you make it home
yeah who said that word
you know what’s interesting let me just say this real quick before you start blue what’s interesting the fact that you even bought that up blue I just
moved to Atlanta two years ago and the homes that had culde sacks were more
expensive so when you live in a home with a curvature they were more expensive than the other home this [ __ ]
I be thinking I’m bugging out is this show mind blown or what y’all go ahead I’m sorry this image um funny enough right I
don’t know if it’s Philly picking up but it says whoop that trick and they got Papa legba in background because papa
legba is a trickster so we don’t understand that we just been fooled by the you know by the wise Ones playing
the fool right Cat Williams started the year with
this energy he was a leg B the opener of the way he’s short you know He even
wears red and black and he’s the jokester but he was the wise one who said that he read 3,000 books by time he
was a child and people laughed at him said that he could run a four point whatever and and he did it so you’re
doubting this jokester when he standing on nothing but truth this is what got him so far is his honesty actually right
so this whole aspect of alar is scientifically can be explained that at
90 degree angles this is where positive ions get captured right and positive
ions is the opposite of what you would consider positive ions attract negativity negative ions
attract positivity so negative happens when waves crash at the ocean it creates
What’s called the lonard effect gives you superhuman strength if I did 100 push-ups I could go to the beach and do
150 yeah you know what I’m saying get more powerful when you are in the in the in the presence of negative ions you can
create negative ions by creating surfaces to go around Huts if
you lived in a hut or if we rounded the corners of our room with pyramids this is what Lester L used to bring the
science that Lester L brought was about creating the curvature in your homes to create a condition of Tranquility in
your home and he will prove it to you by setting the copper um a copper uh a
copper jar with water with a crystal hanging that was wrapped by copper spiral in the middle of your room and
your room will become air conditioned without no air conditioning he would do this in the middle of the summer this is
bringing back ancient technology that weal culture yeah we could save on all
of that extra stuff if if this so there’s so many Masters amongst us in
this community that have solutions that are ancient
technology and that what we’re speaking about tonight is definitely one of those things we have to curve the
corners you feel me that’s the key to it go to any indigenous community around
the planet in Antiquity and find square corners we did not build like that
everything was circumambulated so we could circulate energy we understood this
fact that’s right you mentioned uh Cat Williams and that um interview do you
remember his necklace Yes W folk woke folk folk FK
Corners to the Cent listen Four Corners to the Center Square in the
Circle M so it’s a old question how did you get the circle out the square or the
square out the circle right he was showing the the answer to the question in his
jewry F all four corners converged on
pie that’s the symbol of the man that we call Tai standing on his post holding
his scepter right so so Tai is the
fashioner and the fashioner is the one that makes the man he forms the man from The Raw
element but this is the Father’s Side of masonry not the mother’s side because
the mother’s side is abstract it’s the character that can’t
be put in the box that the mother cultivate the wisdom in the child the father teach the son to bump
straight and the mother teach him to stand up straight on four corners so no
matter whether he’s dealing with Leba or the return of the oon he gonna always
hold his position right there under the light post oh yeah that’s right oh yeah
now y’all speaking to the 44 guards so please with some respect when you talk about the chains and the fors and the
four like this is the science I’ve been talking about forever that’s the star of aana that he’s rocking because it’s an
indestructible Foundation you can’t break a eighto is St you know what I’m saying and that navigation piece that
he’s rocking that’s an Ancient Ancient amulet you feel me so and going back to
what Terence was speaking about in terms of carbon for negative and four positive
right there’s only three phases we go from invisibility and infinity to popping out to show a [ __ ] and then
back to invisibility and infinity and in betwix of it he said what you take four
breaths you pause for four and you release for four that’s life and death he’s like
it’s only three things you go from nothing you check in and you go back to nothing and that’s
that’s that’s the whole story and they made a game called Pop Goes the Weasel to express
that what a beautiful they don’t know when one of the elders is going to pop up in us if they don’t know how to read
the Stars Dam this was the purpose of being good Navigators cuz when you know where
the stars are lineing over what city and what energy frequency coming in you can
track the Chiefs now just don’t let them know the science
right you get right so um we
reconstructing a new future right now in real time and that’s why I told Brother
Rich I said we come in teams and everybody do their part according to they skill set that they
developed over their lifetime when certain ones of us move and makes a whole group of us move all over the
planet we concerned with the struggle we face with over here but we don’t realize that we also affecting the outcome of
everybody else’s struggle around the planet right it’s all back to the
Alchemy it’s back to the metaphysics the quantum physics and it’s back to the
frequency and the vibration that we trying to raise in the people’s psychology and
Psychiatry the mental state is the subjugating Battlefield of the oppressive regime through miseducation
and misinformation so now you got all of these brothers coming out now we ain’t
got no degrees I ain’t got no PhD right right I don’t I don’t regurgitate
Scholastic data I tell you what the spirit told me and then I go get you a reference to
show you what it look like in the physical world but to people it make it look like
I’m smart so I I just smile and act like a smart but I’m just reading the frequency
and the energy that I learned how to translate by trying to build myself into the best
me them just side effects of the skills developed in the pursuit of the better
self right and we learn how to read the water the air the trees the animals talk
to us it just don’t sound like people want it to sound that’s right hey um they want the
animal to talk to you in English he don’t talk in English he talk in
frequency that’s right and and I’m I’m about to get to that I’m glad you mentioned that Ron I’m about to get to that before I do
uh Sharie what what what’s this you sent me right here you you sent me this right here what what exactly we’re talking
about curvature example that’s an example um um brother rod and brother blue pill
were talking about how how in in in um in the old world and our forefathers
would utilize the copper Mysteries and and and would utilize the
copper mysteries in particular to take advantage of scaler waves that that that
that that that work and move in Spirals and in circles to enrich the soil to
produce crops that are like human fire that’s exactly what you’re looking at
right there it’s called electroculture how you think I grew this hair I had a
coer tensor ring around my hair and I showed [ __ ] and I told them and people is just I don’t know and they trying to
figure out how to grow their hair and I’m like I showed you how to do it twice I had to afro cut it off and grow it
back I mean what going on and it was because of coer no doubt so share so you
plant this in the soil you saying stick it stick it right in the garden right in the soil
yes hey this this this will make people believe if they don’t watch you do it
they’ll think that you use some kind of modern chemicals to produce produce with
the plants that this does correct exactly like your watermelon would be three times sweeter but it might be four
times bigger right with no pesticides with no pesticides
blue yo y’ see this [ __ ] history this [ __ ] listen I’m proud
[ __ ] I’m proud I’m I’m very proud tonight this is this is amazing y’all let’s continue um I want to ask y’all
this uh because we’re about okay we’re one hour and 22 minutes in shout out to everybody in the chat we got um over
2,000 people in the chat shout out to all of y’all for joining us Brother Rich is very hype I’m I’m super excited about
tonight’s show um I love our people be our people being scientists is something
that excites me I feel as though our potential and the space suits the space
suits that we inhabit we can make brilliant scientists so um I’m just happy to um be a part of this and
facilitate this um one of the things that was talked about um on the show and
once again shout out to Terence Howard shout out to Joe Rogan for having him on the show and I also want to give Joe
Rogan a shout out for being as big he’s the biggest podcast in the world and he
went against that that thing in 2020 that everybody all the celebrities
celebrities a lot of them were like hoes and whatever you tell them to do and you give you give them you know you give a ho money and they do what you tell them
they was like hoes and you gave them money and you tell them to do this they gonna do it Joe Rogan went against the
grain and he said no I’m not I’m not taking that [ __ ] hell no I ain’t doing it and he was the biggest podcast in the
world so I got to give him props for going against that and like I said my channel got suspended so many times for
talking about that you all know what I’m talking about but one of the things Terence Howard and Joe Roland talked about is that and all of us talked about
in the past is that everything vibrates everything is alive so if everything vibrate and everything is alive this is
the question I I I I have for you that I notic and once again I like using personal example in life to describe
complex Sciences so that our people could understand complex Sciences through those person personal examples
here’s a personal example I noticed that I had a car like the last car I
had when I stopped caring about it when I stopped caring about it and I might have said this on the show of blue pill
before when I stopped caring about it I just got tired of M maintenance and all that I’m living in New York whatever
whatever the more the more I stop about it the more it broke down the more
negativity I spoke on it I’ll say some negative [ __ ] like man [ __ ] out of here I ain’t cleaning that [ __ ] next thing
you know I get a flat this don’t work that don’t work that don’t work so it’s almost like I’m like hold up does this
[ __ ] hear me and this is I’m young I’m like hold up does this [ __ ] you know
break the the more I criticize it the more it’s breaking down so I’m like hold
up you you know how a a woman feels how you feel they got that intuition I’m like is is the car like a [ __ ]
woman does it feel what I’m what I’m saying like this this [ __ ] is just like so talk to me about in objects like a
car like a f even with a phone you stop taking care you stop caring about it you criticize it all of a sudden you drop it
it cracks it breaks it this so it’s like these things that we call phones cars
whatever it almost like they they understand us and when we stop caring
about it it stopped caring about us and it breaks down so talk to me about its
ability it seems like it has an ability to understand us and can you explain
this [ __ ] because this [ __ ] is mindboggling first off Brother Rich you describing your book of life and how how
you process your life okay when you run into them obstacles like that if you neglect
something that you know you supposed to do you’re going to create a condition that’s going to force you to go back to
where you was until you passed the test absolutely you lay these out in your
book of life so that you can remember what you working on while you here one step at a time right you can’t skip
steps because every time you skip a step you get sent back to repeat the step that’s your book of life as far as
the inanimate objects they only going to follow the energy that you carry with
you they not animate they they don’t have have what we call Soul Essence but
they still have the spirit of the object you probably are the two brothers here
probably I don’t know if you old enough Brother Rich but all of us had an uncle grandfather uh Elder that called their
car by a female name and say sometime you just got to talk to her I’ve heard you go out there try to
start the car you won’t start and he come out there he say yo you don’t know how to get old Bessy started do you he
say sometimes she need a little love he go grab his polishing Rag and he talking sweet to the car and polishing the car
up he get in there and half turn start on the first try what the
[ __ ] you right yo you
right yo you right and ra the reason why oh [ __ ] the vehicle becomes our external
body come on bro when you were traveling through time and space you know and I’ve done it in states of mind that was
slightly Amplified and I was slightly outside of my body and I was like yo I’m sitting but I’m moving and I’m moving at
90 miles per hour through space but I’m in this vehicle but if the vehicle wasn’t here would I be so confident and
so poised and collected and I’m like I’m literally moving through this desert through because I was going I was in
Arizona going through a desert at night and I’m like yo the car’s doing like 80
or 90 and I’m like my body is still but I’m moving through the desert right so
this this car now becomes an extension of my body same way that this body is an extension of my spirit this encase in my
spirit same way that if I co-create something externalized like Ai and that
becomes an extension of my mind you feel me it’s these things that they say are
they real or STI it or not everything has an aspect of Animation to it and you
are tethered and connected to it if you depend damn I’m glad I got where I got
to thank you call right or as you know if I could quot a hip-hop lyric I let my
watch talk for me my whip talk for me my right so what up homie yeah so you you
you done you’ve externalized your identity in this vehicle this vehicle has become the external aspect of your
identity of how you’re going to get the things that you want and desire so yeah
we have a lot of stock in those cars especially when we know what it can get us the doors that it can open for us
it’s not animate but it can animate something for you it put a smile on her face that can to something else so yeah
I think that there’s a relationship that we have I think that everything that we interact with is animated I don’t
believe animated there’s also the other aspect as well and in in quantum physics and I
talked about this before on your show brother in quantum physics it’s called the quantum operator I you know blue
pill that that that that flyer wave guards yo bro wow speaks directly to
what I’m about to say you know quantum mechanics tells us that at the higher at the scaler levels everything is
probability it’s wave function wave function yes but what collapses the wave function to an actual physical
event operator and what is the Quantum operator human conscious
that’s what it is look comparative analysis the same way you describe being
in that car moving at 90 miles an hour while you sitting still your higher self
is in your body while you walk into the store saying woo I’m walking to the store at two miles an hour and I’m
sitting still right Cycles within Cycles relays
comparative events a beautiful thing when you see it man man we live such a
Artful existence I appreciate this panel I appreciate you Brothers I appreciate life man I’m so life static because the
more that you overstand the process it just becomes you surrender to stress in
the pain of it you like yo I got this let’s go and this that I think I know
that this is what we want for the family so I’m so excited even for the population that there’s such a burst
every day there’s something new going on right the vibration is speeding up and
and it just is what it is and it’s even for those of us that are benefiting
everybody benefits eventually but even for those of us that are benefiting during the speed up it’s still a little
uncomfortable because you got to adjust you got to adjust to the to the higher vibration and so that it makes you
uncomfortable you know and and and it’s discomfort that causes growth thought must be developed by the exercise
strength Stillness and relaxation creates stagnation you see what I’m saying now you understand the chapter of
misery you already know bro you know it’s but you got to have that agitation to get you to move to get you so when
that vibration raises the higher tide higher tide raises All Ships All Ships yes look the strongest ones gonna stay
at the bottom the longest because they can take it better than the
rest until it come a time when Spirit caus the Strongest Ones at the bottom to
flip the pyramid and stand on Top This is the whole philosophy of the
rejected stone that the builders rejected becoming the Chief Cornerstone the corner he went from being a
Cornerstone at the setting of the foundation to be in the Capstone over the arch that’s the Royal Arc de
Greek right that’s at the crown chakra so when we go through these
phases we can’t lose track of the struggle is there because we can take it
more than other people so we took on the struggle to build up the pre-a in order
to cleanse other people’s Wicked wavs from the planet it’s a catharsis of the ones that
was on top they have to burn that energy off in
order for them to be refined into something better than they was when they was created come on brother the fire and
the cipher Burns cold and murders everything not pure gold what what I was speaking to someone early about this
very energy receptive we were attempting to put into words what we’ve been feeling the last few days and I was like
you know how you blow a dandelion and just all of the pedals fly off yes sir whatever came through cosmically like
last week it dissipated like negative spell energy
things that have had people heavy and compounded like that stuff has been destroyed
dissipated and I don’t know they not going to tell you in Sound the Alarm family but something has
changed it’s visible for the ones who can see the signs but the visibility is
cloaked with the artificial um narrative being scripted
and spoonfed to us as if we some children that don’t know what we looking
at they watching the movie I don’t want to watch the movie I want to watch the director and the writer what y’all
putting together right so when I’m telling y’all what the director and the writer doing
y’all think I’m talking about the movie I can give less than a damn about the movie it might be a good movie I might
not have a problem with the movie itself I just got a problem with the writer and the narrative he was pushing in the
director for pushing you in a direction that the writer wanted you to go [Music]
these ided Rays coming in from the Sun is going to keep coming in until all of
this mental fog is lifted from the people they waking
up oh yeah fact no no they def definitely waking up listen I’mma tell
you um one of my ladies friends sent my girl a video check this out a video of
KT the ARs degree and KT the ARs degree was talking about how they remove lead PL from from the homes so that they
could introduce 5G and all that cuz the L PL would have blocked the 5G and all
that so she was like yo my girl my girl it was a guy her friend I’m not I’m just
gonna say friend sent it to she’s like yo this nigas deep my girl like n he spoke in my baby shower you don’t
remember him KT spoke at my baby shower and she was there but she don’t even remember him some girl was like [ __ ]
she was at my baby shower you don’t remember him she’s like for real she’s
like different time what you’re looking at is her being in two different levels of conscious this what she seen was the
seed the fruition the fruit was when she sent the video back oh it clicked oh
yeah the seed to germinate now oh yeah oh yeah facts let me ask y’all this CA
um I got to um we got about 20 minutes left I don’t want to keep these gentlemen too too long I appreciate both
the gentlemen for coming on tonight um this idea when we talk about science
this is a scientific conversation um tonight when we talk about science uh the most popular
equation that comes up that comes to mind we remember since we was young E
equals MC squ a lot of us don’t even know what that means but we remember the
equation um uh Terence Howard and Joe Rowan talked about Einstein briefly um
whoever’s into the whole science thing they’re going to bring up Einstein whether it’s um um Neil degrass Tyson
even if it’s Billy Carson whoever it is when they into science quantum physics uh Bruce Lipton whoever Einstein name is
going to come up what are y’all three thought the three of y’all what are your thoughts on Einstein in this worldwide
famous equation of E equals MC squ the reason why okay e is
energy it’s the equation is equal to matter and C represents the speed of
light squared means times two uhhuh right that was the the um the
reason why that formula was so urgent is because it opened the pathway for what’s
known as the Manhattan Project in the science from that is
where Lloyd quarterman and his physicist team went in when they couldn’t figure out
how to turn um Einstein’s formula into uh a method to split the
atom and then they designed the atomic bomb based on that science that’s what
make him discovering the revers energy if it’s Mass moving at the speed of
light squared then if you can interrupt the nucleus then it’ll set off what’s called
a chain reaction which they call nuclear um fion right and this in turn will cause
uh what was known as the radioactive fallout which a side effect of the
splitting of the atom this is the only reason why it’s the most popular formula
because it was the foundational formula for splitting the
atom what I what I like first of I like what you just said well for me and and
and in and in my own personal studies Einstein first and foremost yes Einstein’s theory made possible the
Manhattan Project the success of Manhattan Project flat out that’s the truth but now what Einstein’s theory did
what his theory you know his um unified field Theory did was that it Advanced Newtonian physics and brought it right
to the threshold of matter itself but when we get p matter right we we all we got we
got snow on the roof so we all came up in school where they said the Adam is the primary building block of matter but
we know better see what I’m saying we know better now and I know if you were like me if you were like me a little
knucklehead Egghead you were like okay well if that’s the case what are what are Adams made of and then what are they
made of and then what are those things made we were asking those questions in at least in our head right so we know
now that at the deeper subatomic level is when you start to see holes in eal
mc² right you start to see holes in it because simply put in Einstein’s unified
field Theory nothing that has mass can approach or surpass the speed of light
because then the mass would be infinite and then you know but we know that there’s subatomic particles and there’s
all kinds of other things that travel faster in the speed of light and still have mass tachon
you know you know what I’m saying so his unified field theory was a little bit
different that’s what gave rise to the understanding of a quantum entanglement
yes that all things being connected yes yes right which metaphysically is is
sound and that’s not uh Einstein’s original um work the unified field
Theory can be traced back to kimet back to ancient America back to ancient Tibet right so he just put it into modern
science to be utilized right to understand he also um gave him the
observer effect right so he his Works he did he did a lot of good scientific work but
scientifically um it might sound arrogant to say this but Einstein was a toddler compared to our ancestors
absolutely absolutely not only our ancestors there’s a brother alive right now named Dr Gabriel IO correct Grand
UniFi theorem and he puts his foot all the way up the butt of a Einstein so
that’s been debunked or what have you um but it’s like you said it’s necessary to
hold apart a western approach Western Paradigm um but I think Terence Howard
did a very good job of challenging you know what I’m saying the validity of that by saying you know where does ether
fit in because that the conflict with Western science has to tie itself to
Western ideology or philosophy which goes into religion or Eastern religion
and Western World they do not denote or or acknowledge spirit so they do not
denote or acknowledge ether to a degree which makes them you know what I’m
saying you take a whole hemisphere out of your observation you’re looking and listening to people who have a partial
analysis there you go compartmental partial analysis and they do not see the holistic picture why are you still
listening to people who only found out that there was another hemisphere to the planet in the 1500s they can’t talk to
you about how the mind or the brain or anything Works they have not mastered the other side of it they have not
mastered the feminine side and they have not mastered and they’re from the East playing with Western philosophy and
forgot to bring Eastern philosophy with them not and the West asked out because they’re one-sided and
lopsided and it never was a conjoining of information over here that’s what
this thing was supposed to be to be the beauty that it could potentially have been our date with Destiny here in the
Americas imagine if we embraced the philosophy and the information that was left in the Americas now brother blue
pill to that point I’m of the firm belief and you already know where I’m going with this as a member of the mo science temp of America I’m of the firm
belief that the true American is still in the oven and it ain’t done yet you see what I’m saying to that
point go ahead no no go ahead yeah please what you said about the ether you hit it right on the nose regarding
Einstein’s theory right because early on early on in Einstein’s career they you
know there was the the whole principle of The luminiferous Ether and then early
on Einstein said he debunked it but then later Rec aned but they never published
the fact that he recanted right his statement previous statement about luminiferous eth the truth and he got to
the cuss right strange and spooky things at a distance like ra spooky action at a
distance introducing the concept of quantum entanglement and quantum physics but not being able to go there how about
right now it’s on us you know what I’m saying into this Quant Mania and be like
we got this from here yeah question when I when I on Rich when I was growing up
and somebody told me that I know all the stuff I know I’d have fell out [Laughter]
laughing wow let me let me so let me ask y’all another quick another quick question um since we’re talking I’m
asking you some science questions about Albert Einstein there’s so much speculation and what people will call
conspiracy theory about gravity Terence Howard said gravity
ain’t what they taught us it is at all it’s a result I believe he said it’s a result of electricity am I right blue is
that what he was saying is a result of electricity but regardless and blue could you could touch on it first but
what exactly because the flat earthers have a concept of gravity that the round earthers don’t have then this person has
a concept that this person doesn’t have there’s so many different concepts of what gravity exactly is what’s your
thoughts on this phenomenon called gravity in the scientific
World blue you
up when we look at the quote unquote g
at the center of the compassive square right and we know the compassive square is hitting on it’s a 47° angle that is
split into 23.5° representing the Tropic cancer um cancer and the other 23.5 represent the
Tropic of C of Capricorn and it’s supposed to circumscribe a circumambulate or separate right the
quote unquote uh the hemispheres of the poles if you will or or the magnetic poles
um some say the g stands for geometry and not gravity necessarily right and I
think that with Terren how it was hitting on is again this is another concept of their false god that gravity
as a creation is made from them from something that they don’t fully understand because they’re not going
through the whole holistic process of how things work now Terence how is
basing his work on Walter Russell’s books and Walter Russell philosophy and with Walter Russell was saying that
everything is electricity you know what I’m saying so gravity is the um the the
the dissipation or the appearance of it’s the evidence of the dissipation of
electricity don’t quote me on that because he says it a lot better than I’m probably saying it right but what he
demonstrated right what made me sit down and say you know I have to bear witness to what I’m bearing witness to and do
further research is that he utilized a model in a simulation right putting together um the
the different frames of the Flower of Life to build out the model of Saturn and he built out the model of Saturn and
it was uh you know completely intact with the Rings as well as the hexagonal
North Pole and it used no gravity whatsoever to put it in motion blue
before BL I’m sorry BL I’m I’m very sorry before you continue answer can I read you something from Walter Russell
me and you did a real quick me and you did a show on him and and and I know this is gonna um allow you to finish up
this let me just read this real quick blue I should have had this prepared before but I just P this up all right let me just read this family uh real
quick before blue finishes um he says uh this is from uh the book The Secret of
light you could this book is for free online is Page 149 to 150 let me just read this real quick since blue bought
up Walter Russell Walter Russell says uh gravitation is the male principle of
creation gravity refolds toward the seed radi ation is the female principle of
creation radiation unfolds from the seed the gener generating light of
gravitation and the G and the degenerative light of radiation are projected through each other from rest
to rest and puls and sequences to manifest idea by born and father mother
forms of idea through their void and interchange the principle of rhythmic balance interchange between father
mother lights of gravitation and radiation is fundamental to an all creating things it is the principle of
two-way equal given which manifests the quality of love in the light of the one
that may be complicated for a lot of people a lot it’s complicated for me but I just wanted to read that you know why
it’s not complicated for them because you actually got a light behind you that’s doing the thing that you
talking talk to him blue talk to me blue literally is doing the same thing
right right going from one state to the other and it’s showing you um that is is
really one it’s a oscillation at different extremes so in so many ways and so many
Essence he’s explaining you know what creation is in terms of the interaction and the interplay of these opposites
that have to come to a conjoining point and return to the seed like he said life
is the unfurling of the seed living and then going back to the furling of that particular same seed
you know and that interplace that center point I guess is what he’s speaking of that’s what they’re confusing or
ascribing to these concept of what they call gravity while excluding the thing
that they’re refusing to see you know what I’m saying because they are what
they are um to you know faltered to a point by their inability to acknowledge
a whole another hemisphere so they’re looking at of one eye at any and all times attempting to
tell you about reality to the prism of one eye or one
hemisphere linear logic only no abstract reason no right brain involvement in the
translation of the data go back to the beginning of the so-called discovery of gravity Newton
sitting under a tree apple fall out bump him into his head and he said ouch what
made this apple hit me upside my head so whatever the cause was he named
it gravity right and the descriptive analysis was that the larger
objects pool draws the smaller object to it right this is the standard model for
Gravity but it don’t explain why the moon don’t crash into the
Earth right the moon should be crashed into the earth based on position unless
there’s something else keeping the Moon from crashing into the Earth because the pool of the earth is like 10 times
stronger than the pool of the Moon the Moon supposed to surrender its orbit to the Superior Body according to
the laws of gravity but it doesn’t good point good point good point right so
there’s something else at play The Narrative that you was just reading describes the the field what we would
call it electromagnetic field yes it’s the magnets to draw and the pull and
they come together they create a fi and this is how simatics can show you what
sound look like in the three-dimensional form without you being able to see the
um sound with your naked eye but you can see the side effect of the sound in the simatic design that
tells you from the shape structure of what you designed what the frequency
pitch tone vibration was are the sound used to make it right so when we go to
uh Michael toit’s the holographic Universe right you need um a fixed
position object and a moving object to produce the Hologram all parts of the
Hologram is equivalent to the whole of the Hologram you can see all parts in
the microcosmic piece of the Hologram right but they don’t always
have to look the same right so this is how we become
holographic projectives of the guide force in human form that’s the truth but
the human form is the falsehood right so when we realize we not the
body then the body can the mind can leave the body sitting where it’s at and
go do its own business they call it astro Projection lucid dreaming and it’s just a natural
um capability of spirit beings to be able to leave the physical vessel and
Traverse higher Realms of Consciousness what they call higher Dimensions the electromagnetic field has
in it a point where if you closer to one side of the magnet you will go to that
one but if you’re closer to the other you’ll go to that one right that’s called magnetism this is what the guy
you was just reading is describing the effect the magnetism on the object that comes between the field projected from
the push and the pull of the electricity and the magnetism or the radiance and
the attractive properties of the motherland Fatherland right remember our ancestors
always use person places or things to teach complex Sciences in a simplified
form and we begin to worship those complex those names of those nouns as
Gods but they just principles right in quantum physics to be able to be used to
explain to people who doesn’t have a scientific background how the energies
is moving uh when we talk about big mama energy everybody been the Big Mama house
we all they all know what we talking about but if we put it into a uh
scientific form now we talking dark matter we talking or
energy we talking Prime ether and the sci keep changing the name
to try to confuse the children who the name belonged to in the first place when we called it the primordial
noon we knew what we was talking about but now they think that the primordial
noon is some being walking around calling himself noon Mor from it’s not gonna happen it’s a
scientific formula using person place of things in order to explain the
concept of the mother energy of prime Creator the father energy the active
principle of creation right the mother and the father ly a side effect of the father is he GNA
have a son in His image after his likeness procreation right we still telling
biology quantum physics metaphysics all in the form of the Holy drama the great
story but playing out in the human reality as our daytoday life but all it
is is a reenactment of the creation story being played out in the human
Arena and this is why every time we get to the close of the age a whole bunch of
us wake up at one time and start teaching let’s get to work roll your sleeves up we got a new creality create
we got to prepare for the next 24,000 years by laying the foundation of the first seven generations of this age
there you go this just what we doing yes I just had a luxury of having multiple
past life memories so I could come back and say hey I remember doing this before my phone didn’t have English
letters on it but they show as hell heck uh hieroglyphics on it or they had
uniform on it or Sanskrit on it depending on which time frame but we do it all the time the plum it to the
depths in order to ride to the heights if you don’t know what it’s like to be
Rock Bottom you will never be able to appreciate being on top man oh man and that’s the chapter of
misery you got to be miserable to stay at the bottom and we be weak in a whole lot of
stuff but it’s one thing that we obstinate and unmoved what is that
Mo his name is misery so you
so we were talking about the the whole um thing about gravity right yes yes sir
I like brother brother Rod was talking brother Rod gave a very eloquent description of Newtonian physics you
know the whole you know Apple yeah there you go but see that’s Newtonian physics
right yes ask scientists worth their salt when
you’re doing experiments regarding gravity they give you one major caveat
they say don’t do this do not utilize
rotating objects you use rotating objects it’s not gonna work yeah no no
follow me we could take two balls same or or different one one
weighs more than the other because gravity equally on mass right regardless of the size and fire those two balls at
the same time at the same trajectory with the same power even though one weighs more they will both fly to the
same height equally and fall equally now yeah let’s take two identical balls same
size same weight yeah do the exact same thing but one of them you set spinning
at a high rate before you launch them the one spinning will go higher faster
and fall further faster than the other and there’s nothing in Newtonian physics that can explain
that nothing so the the the the the the the simple the simple
[Music] um the the simple uh observation is the
one spending is getting extra energy from somewhere right right right all right so now what are we talking about
we’re talking about like we talk about gravity and we talked earlier about space actually being a fabric so now we
talk like brother blue pill is talking about the ethers at various rates right so it’s actually a fabric it is the
alchemical Waters the Waters of the deep now that’s it that’s space yes now since
it’s a fabric like think about a blanket stretched out right any dip in the
blanket is a modification of SpaceTime and that we call
gravity yeah now you have a rotating object rotating object can modify
SpaceTime that’s a scientific fact too so that’s what UFOs do okay Bros you had
to go there here we go we talked about is that what you are doing this is
the object this is space to us the object moves across space you said that
not the UFO the UFO moves space it shrinks space in front of it
and expands space behind it so it is not moving space is moving and since you got three
dimensions of space and one UFOs modify SpaceTime they are time
machines I love it oh total victory tonight this what I
wanted this is what I wanted this is beautiful listen gentle I appreciate
this so much I can’t take credit for that I mean you know we do our study and everything fine but it’s the presence of
the other brothers that pull things out listen I appreciate I’m I’m I’m G say
you know they say show gratitude I appreciate this live so much for you gentlemen tonight this is like a dream
team of um our our scientists and our community who deals with this this level
of information and like I said all three of y’all have played an important role on my channel in this important year of
2024 so it was only right that I lined the three of y’all up tonight for a show
uh to talk about a conversation that took place that went viral that it that has the whole world talking about so
yeah I’m just excited like R said man all everybody you know this is the time we live in you know we we you know the
the the the the the knowledge is going to come out you see what I’m saying so uh everybody I want all of y’all to
leave your contact information tell everybody how they could get in touch with each and one of y’all oh this was
such a good show go ahead y’all who want go first bluepillar44
on Instagram at bluepillar44 um cosmicd Co CZ M K that’s I got some drip I got Stone some jewelry bunch of stuff from Arizona stuff is on that
site uh and of course yesterday we celebrated our
fiveyear anniversary g o l d w a t
shout out to the Goldwater family there we go peace peace yeah go ahead brother
Rod y’all can find me on Instagram at the sick eight or on Facebook at ride
Hayes otherwise catch me over here at Brother Rich on young Elder the
Lord uh I could be found on on the Graham share B or like or at life of a
grand Chic um I could be found of course on Facebook sharan iil bay um and on Tik
Tok seu share find me there on Tik Tok as well indeed hey family I want to
thank y’all for tuning in we still got uh about 2200 people in the chat I want to thank y’all for tuning in tonight uh
classic historic show tonight I really want y’all to listen to what was being said tonight the questions the answers
just everything about tonight was exactly what I imagined it to be and I’m
thankful for that um like I said once again shout out to Terence Howard for opening up this conversation allowing us
to have a conversation that the people would appreciate on this level so yeah
it’s a good thing it’s a good thing for that um with that being said I want to thank everybody with that being said we
get out of here see yall next time get out of here peace family one thing before we go Brother Rich okay I just
wanted to tell the brother that he would make C Freeman ill very proud right that’s that’s facts that’s
fact Shar that was my bis metaphysical teacher C
fre that’s a big compliment sh that’s a that’s a huge compliment giant
listen we got to come up and be capable of holding the fort down for what they
left AB right and we we needed a Morris metap
physician and here he is
Freeman see Freeman came through did a pigeon drop on us left us with some high
powered stuff now it’s up to one of the Moors with the black F to come behind him stand on his shoulders yes because a
can see further from a Giant’s shoulders than he can than the giant can see himself come on brother that’s a fact
you know so we standing on the shoulders of some very very powerful Elders that
came before us and we got to acknowledge that as part of acknowledging this whole
struggle the chapter of misery and the Breaking Free from the chapter we can’t
stay in Misery we got to bring it to an end right right they was left in power
long enough for us to learn how to run a government I could run it by myself and I ain’t the only one
sure what they doing over here calling government exploiting the people it has
to come to an end and This Is Us announcing that it’s an end to their reain and they tyranny and they misuse
of the people this got to be known so and so when I see somebody
standing on the shoulder of a giant I’m GNA part that out thank you brother appreciate you position I like it and
that’s what I noticed about Sharie I was like damn this brother’s Morris and he said to the metaphysics like I’m like I
gotta get this brother on the show a lot of people got a lot of people think moris science is only law right right
it’s way more than that it’s way more than that right so this is why the prophet
said get a good morish education because you gonna find out some stuff gonna break your heart and you gonna find out
some things that make you feel like a champ oh oh up also before we leave I’m sorry y’all um they always ask about
your cash apps a brother just posted what are the brother’s cash app do each one of y’all have a cash app I I know
y’all do um but could you each individually say your cash app spell it because there’s so many scammers out
there I don’t want them to get the support please spell your cash app for the people like this brother K Coro P
who wants to know what’s your cash app for the family out there everybody same as my name dollar sign
blue pillar for 4 b l u e p i l l a
r44 and I’mma I’mma put this in the in the um description too also y’all when
the show end because I really see can you all see
that I’m I’m hold up I’m about to that’s mine hold give me a second I’m about to
put all three of y’all s yep what who or blue pill yeah blue
have an um s n a e l yeah somebody always asks
about support and then that’s good that that that’s that shows that y you know and I appreciate the super chats but y
always ask when Rod Hayes is on you always be like yo yo what’s this cash app so I definitely appreciate that
y’all appreciate the works let me um yes all right so I got all three of the
cash apps up for those who want to know like the brother posted blue pillar sign blue pillar 44 uh You misspelled M You
misspelled mine oh [ __ ] let me hold on let me see Capital hand I forgot the a right I forgot yeah
yeah you forgot the a oh the Y forgot the a yeah you g do
that while I do this um
s a n a e l b they already got blue pill
let me just get [Music] um so y’all seeing blue pills cash
app uh got it perfect yeah y’all seeing blue pillars C blue pillar 44 we got uh
s an yeah n NL Bay and dollar sign si8
so for those who are asking about the cash apps you want to show support that’s respected you know I I appreciate
and I love that uh those are the brother other two brothers cash apps a blue pill dollar sign blue pillar oh blue pill is
back on dollar sign blue pillar yeah 44
44 uh with that being said we we hold
up I just wanted to I would love to end with all three along here but blue pill
he’s not I would love to end with all three all three of Y on here but for some reason blue pill’s not coming back
up uh yeah he’s yeah we hear him I hear you you did right blue bill yeah I’m
still here BL here we just get but it’s all good listen we getting out of here
historic historic show I appreciate y I appreciate all you
Brothers I appreciate being in your presence it it pulled a lot out of me and I learned a lot this was powerful oh
yeah honor brother brothers all all you know family out there y y’all pull
questions out of me you know how you be proud of certain I know you”ll be proud of certain thing answers I’m proud that
I asked the question in particular when I was like should we round the when I
was talking about crime rates on the corners and I was like would curve in the corners reduce crime and I’m like
who thinks of some [ __ ] like like that I love that and the answers y’all gave was
phenomenal and this is all science and geometry and the fact that we’re even talking about things like that these are
things that unless you experien this in our community you will never address we understand what happens on the corners
we understand the geometry of the corners so for us to have a scientific
conversation about crime rates on the corners and solve it in one breath like
this [ __ ] is phenomenal I heard in my mind I I never saw a drive by in a cue saac and
then about the cue saac and I’m like look at that we that was the brother mentioned the CAC I mentioned the
suburbs yeah we
both when you said subbs I seen CAC because I’m like where else you gonna see a CAC but
sub you talking about standing at the crossroads standing at the corners one
the one of the names of Baron Sami is Baron laal yo for real see I don’t know that I
man listen I just channeling [ __ ] I ain’t know that man who hold say ban La
criminel creel is French he’s also a baring lroy Baron of the Cross which is
the crossroads yeah and then he’s baring samadi the baron of
Saturday that’s talking about saturnian energy are the great
judge amazing hey with that being said listen family thank you once again Rod
Hayes blue pillar share B thank you my brothers and it’s good to see Three Brothers come on the show uh as well as
myself and And We Just Vibe there’s no arguing there’s no there’s no ego involved um we’re different where we we
all come from different places in this 3D construct Harlem uh Sharie where he
come from Rod where he come from blue pill Brooklyn uh I think rod rod is Detroit Rod you you Michigan right
yeah I’m in Michigan I’m in Pontiac right outside Detroit sh where you originally from uh born out west I was
born in Long Beach grew up in the BX and I’m in Syracuse now Upstate New York syacuse so real quick I gotta put this
part on because we speaking about color and I wanted to mention that the the
frequency the color of sound the color of a440 is orange hence the fact it’s
orange and it’s a spectrum of blue when it goes from a to c hence the fact that Empire State the sports team colors are
orange and blue but what’s the color of Syracuse orange and blue and what’s the
number of Syracuse what’s the the main number of the College of the legend of 44 the ZIP code is even 44 so we’re able
to show and prove in real time utilizing science how it has materialized in physical
formad thank you thank you for bringing it up blue blue that was a perfect way to end it blue I can’t see you my
brother you and the you and the black Cosmos no we flipped off to F Corner
Shuffle to the two bar cane from the mother line to the father line on the way out talking that [ __ ] y’all right
right know I had a new of Four Corners right yes sir yes
sir all right peace family peace peace Brother Rich peace brother